Privacy Policy

Heartiest thanks for giving a visit to our web site! The privacy policy in question runs and administers the privacy policy of our website,, and its end-users who decide to use it. This privacy policy informs you as to how we really make use of the personal data gathered at this site.

Prior to making use of this site or presenting any personal details you are requested to thoroughly read this privacy policy. When you use this site, you accept the practices as laid down in the given privacy policy. Although these practices could be modified, any modifications will be suitably posted and the changes will only cover activities and details on a forward and not attendant basis.

Please review the given privacy policy at the time of visiting the site to make certain that you thoroughly understand how any personal details you furnish will be made use of. This policy covers the various domains wherein the user privacy is concerned even as it sketches the responsibilities and the requirements of the end-users, the site and its proprietors.

Besides, the manner this site eventually processes, stores and looks after the user details and info will also be methodically detailed inside this policy. The title-holder of this website follows a positive policy to user privacy and guarantees that all the needed steps are duly taken to shield the privacy of its end users. This website strictly follows every existing national law and requirements for the privacy of the end users.

    We could gather the below given data:

  • Name & title of the job
  • Contact info, such as the e-mail id
  • Demographic details, including postcode, first choices, besides likes
  • Certain other info applicable to client studies and/or offers

    This info is needed to figure out your specific requirements and offer you with a superior service, more so for these reasons:

  • Internal maintenance of the data.
  • Market spin-offs & services made available by Marvel Education Group & its associates.
  • To further develop our many products & facilities.
  • From time-to-time mail promotional e-mails involving latest products, unique offers, or any other info which could be remarkable for you employing the e-mail id collected from you.
  • Periodically to engage you for the objects of any market study. We could get in touch with you, via e-mail, phone, fax or postal mail. We could employ the data to modify the website on the basis of your specific interests.

Marvel Education Group website employs cookies to improve the experience of the users when they visit it. Cookies are nothing but minute files suitably saved to the hard drive of the computer of the users to follow, save and store info about the interactions and usage of the website by the users. It enables the website– via its server–to furnish the users with a customized and better experience inside this website. In case the visitors want to refuse the exercise and saving of the cookies from this website on to the hard drive of their computers, they must take all essential steps inside the security settings of their web browsers to obstruct all cookies from this website and its external serving dealers.

This website may employ tracking software to duly scrutinize its visitors to better comprehend how they eventually use it. Other cookies could be suitably stored onto the hard drive of your computer by external dealers when this website employs referral programs, any links (sponsored), and/or adverts. Although such cookies are employed for conversion and referral tracking, and they usually run out, post 30 days, some could last for a much longer time.

All end users engaging this website and/or its proprietors do the same strictly at their own good judgment, and offer any such sought personal info at their own risk. Until a time period it is no longer needed nor has no use whatsoever, the personal details of the users is strictly kept private and stored in a secure way.

Although no efforts have been spared to make certain a safe and secure form to e-mail the procedures of submission, the users must do so at their own risk. This website and its proprietors employ any data to furnish you with additional details involving the products/services they proffer, or to help you in answering any queries or questions you could have presented.

The same covers using your particulars to get you subscribed to any e-mail newsletter program the website or its associates run, and the presentation of your contact info employing our site will be taken to reflect that your express consent was offered to send across the e-mail newsletter from the organization. Your particulars are not shared with any third parties for any particular marketing or any other expressed goal.

Marvel Education Group site visitors and clients who are taking on-line website payment facility, offered by the company, may kindly note that the company or client is required to share customer billing details like name, phone, address etc. with the bank. It can happen that the bank can use these details for their research or marketing purposes. Clients or visitors having an objection to such an action from the bank should not take on-line website payment facility and opt for other forms of payment such as cheque or bank transfer or use credit card machines installed at our offices.

This website runs an e-mail bulletin program, employed to suitably inform the subscribers regarding products and services offered by this website even as the surrender of your contact details employing our site will denote that your express permission was offered to send across e-mail newsletter from the firm. The e-mail marketing operations brought out by this website, and/or its proprietors, could have tracking facilities inside the actual e-mail. The activity of the subscriber could be duly tracked only to be stored in a databank for analysis and evaluation later. This data is harnessed to process future e-mail operations, and furnish the end users with additional applicable content on the basis of their movement.

Despite the fact that this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, the end users would do well to strictly follow a policy of caution, prior to clicking any external web links as mentioned all the way through this website. Notwithstanding their best attempts, the proprietors of this website may not assure or corroborate the contents of any externally linked website. Hence, the users must observe that they click on any external link only at their own risk even while this site and its proprietors should not be held accountable for any resulting harms.

This website could have certain sponsored links and advertisements even as the same will usually be served, via our advertising associates, who could have detailed privacy policies involving the advertisements that they serve. When you click on any such advertisements, you are directed to the website of the advertiser, via a referral program which could utilize cookies, and will track the overall figures of the referrals forwarded from this website.

The same could cover the use of cookies which could subsequently be saved onto the hard drive of your computer. So, the users must observe that they click onto any sponsored external links at their own peril even as this website and its proprietors may not be held accountable for any sort of harms.

You could choose to limit the collection or exploitation of your personal details in these manners:

Whenever you are urged to furnish your details, via filling a form on the site, you are at liberty not to provide any information or fill up the form. In case you have earlier agreed to us utilizing your personal details, for the objects of direct marketing, you could change your stand at any given time, by writing to us at contact@Marvel Education

Communication, engagement and actions engaged in via external social media tools, which this website and its proprietors make use of, are subject to the terms & conditions, besides the privacy policies of each given social media individually.

The users are well advised to utilize social media platforms intelligently and communicate/engage upon them with much care and vigilance involving their own privacy and personal info. This website and its proprietors will never seek any personal or highly crucial details, via social media tools, and egg-on the users keen to talk about highly crucial particulars to contact them, via key communication pathways, including telephone or e-mail.

This website could employ social sharing buttons which assist share web content straightway from the web pages to the said social media platform. Prior to making use of such social sharing buttons, the users must understand that–via the account of their social media platform–the social media tool could follow and save their request to share a web page respectively.

This website and its proprietors through their social media platform accounts could share web links to applicable web pages. All the users of this website would do well to take due caution prior to clicking any shortened URLs carried on social media platforms by this website & its proprietors. In spite of the best attempts to make certain that only valid URLs are carried, several social media tools are susceptible to not only spam but hacking also, and so this website and its proprietors may not be held accountable for any harms brought about by giving visits to any of the abbreviated links.