
30 Days
Small Package for Success
30 Day access to software
4 Mock Tests with feedback
Strategies for 20 Questions
Bhrat Sir’s Pearson Mock Video
Daily Online Classes (Mon-Fri, Multiple Times)
Discussion Sessions
Pronunciation Course
Grammar Course
60 Days
Most Popular Package
60 Day access to software
8 Mock Tests with feedback
Strategies for 20 Questions
Bhrat Sir’s Pearson Mock Video
Daily Online Classes (Mon-Fri, Multiple Times)
Discussion Sessions
Pronunciation Course
Grammar Course

Additional features

Mock Tests using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Full set of AI-powered mock tests for all modules. The difference in your target score and mock test score determines whether or not you're ready for the real exam.
Strategy Videos
These videos provide in-depth information about strategies, templates, and tips-n-tricks for questions of every type in Hindi and English.
Study Materials PDF Download
The materials available include templates, a list of vocabulary words, and PDF versions of the weekly prediction questions.
Grammar Course
English exams like IELTS and PTE require a thorough knowledge of grammar topics. Understanding these grammar points can help you succeed on your English exams.
Pronunciation Course
With pronunciation lectures, you will quickly learn everything you need to know about speaking.
AI Analysis for each question
Our AI-driven software analyzes each practice question. This shows you exactly where you need to improve.
Latest Prediction Files
The latest versions of our prediction materials provide a list of questions that are likely to be repeated. Get all the questions that are predicted to appear on an upcoming exam before anyone else.
Sectional Mock Tests
You will have a better understanding of your performance at a module-by-module level with these exams. You can learn more about sectional mock tests by clicking here.
Actual Exam Questions
Our online test preparation tool has real Writing, Listening, Reading, and Speaking questions that you need.

What makes Marvel unique?

  • You can access videos and the practice portal 24 hours a day.
  • The online practice portal is fully accessible from anywhere.
  • Using the right tips, templates, and strategies will get you the results you want.
  • Practice questions based on real exams.
  • We provide full-length, scored mock tests with score reports.
  • You can access exam prediction files with highly repeated questions.
  • A simple interface that makes practice fun.